Monday, 26 March 2018

Messy Play: Easter Themed Shaving Foam & Glitter

Welcome to mess central! This is an activity I have scheduled for Wednesday 25th March 2018, based on the children who are expected to attend my setting. Not all children enjoy messy play but for those who do, this is one to try. As with most of the activities I do with the minded children, it's simple. First of all I wouldn't advise trying this in a room with a carpet. As with all messy play I either do this in my kitchen or the garden.

The first thing you should do is protect the floor with a plastic cloth, then either use a large tray or of tuff spot and squirt a good amount of shaving foam - I always use the sensitive ones. Then, depending on the ages and abilities of the children taking part in this activity, you can add glitter yourself or put some glitter in bowls of shakers and leave the children to explore the tray and add it themselves. 

It's a great sensory activity and there's always lots of communication and language skills being developed as the children play. You don't need to add anything else but you could leave a selection of cups, spoons, different shaped containers, dolls, plastic figures etc. on the tray too.

It's Easter on Sunday so this week I will be setting up this activity and adding those plastic eggs from Poundland (I've also seen them in Sainsbury's) for the children to incorporate into their play. I'm sure it won't be long before they figure out how to open them up and begin filling them with foam and glitter. I'm going to use gold glitter and perhaps add some food colouring into the shaving foam to give them a pastel colour - very seasonal.

Top tip - always have a bowl of warm water, hand wash and towels close by. It makes cleaning the children a lot easier than taking them to a sink.

Follow me on Instagram to see this activity in's scheduled for Wednesday morning.

Exciting stuff.

Thanks for reading.

First published March 2018 @dottyduckschildcare

If you are looking for a childminder please click here for more information about my childcare service.

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